This weekend Jo was sleeping a little more than usual and had a moderate temperature. Of course Mom noticed a slight discoloration in his left leg. It was red and a bit swollen, and it was warm to the touch. Mom immediately made the call to take him to emergency, although Jo insisted it wasn't hurting. As Mom's instinct is never wrong, shortly after arriving at Children's ER the swelling and rash spread more quickly. Jo was beginning to feel more uncomfortable as well. They took blood, ran cultures, and even did a biopsy to rule out anything serious. Ultimately it was concluded it was AT LEAST cellulitis and a severe case of it. As usual Children's was on their game and began antibiotics and called in numerous specialists to review Jo. It was a very stressful 24 hours as they monitored Jo every 15 minutes for any increase in the spreading and/or change in vital signs. Because Jo was now in pain his heart rate was elevated and he was clearly scared and uncomfortable. Jo was placed in PICU and under the best care we could ask for. The best case scenario would be the antibiotics take hold and fight back the infection. If the condition worsens surgery would be the only option to internally clean the area of infection, a very delicate and invasive procedure.
Update: Jo has responded well to the antibiotics, the infection has appeared to stop spreading it even appears less inflamed. As a result he was moved from ICU in to general admittance for further evaluation and to finish off his antibiotic dose. If things keep trending the same way Jo is on the road to recovery. Mom is staying close to Jo and Dad is doing his best to keep eye on Jimmy and the girls. Fortunately the girls are spending a lot of time with their best buddies Lilly and Lucas, and doing their best to enjoy the summer. We appreciate all the positive thoughts and prayers for Jo to come home soon, it's a very sad feeling to walk into his empty room... Jojobinks once again you amaze us with your resiliency and strength. You always battle through and still keep smiling. This is just another bump in the road and you'll be home soon! We love you to the moon and back sweet angel...YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!
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